In 2015, The Fibre Co. released ‘The Fell Garth Collection‘, 8 pieces worked up by designers Melanie Berg and Emma Wright, all shot at our homestead, Fell Garth. This Autumn we’re returning to the Fells and we’re taking you with us. It’s time to celebrate knitwear.

A 19 piece collection and a new addition to our yarn line could so easily have been the single story for Fell Garth ll but for us, stories run deeper. We wanted you to feel the same inspiration we do when we breathe in that first smell of Autumn that dances in the late Summer breeze. We wanted you to feel the awe and wonder that takes our breath away as we look up from work and gaze across the Cumbrian Fells that we now call home. We want your fingers to itch to knit, like ours have done, every time you see the yarns and designs we’ve lined up for you this knit season.
To do that, we knew we had to return to the Fells with our favourite photographer, Tommy Martin. Tommy is a professional landscape, lifestyle and fashion photographer who found his niche when chasing a passion for landscape that allowed him to combine all three. The results are always spectacular.

So, to prepare for a special month of celebrating 19 new designs, a new yarn range and all the things we love about knitting, we asked Tommy to lead us back to Fell Garth.

“I originally came to the Lake District on a rare holiday. The mountain views that feature in every tourist brochure were just about everything I knew about the Lakes. The valleys and their ancient woods were like walking into a completely unexpected fairytale. I’d fallen in love with the place before the bus from Keswick had reached the end of the Borrowdale Valley. A much wiser photographer than me once said that photography is easy, you just have to find something so incredibly beautiful that you can’t help but take great pictures of it. That was what I found. I’d talked myself into moving up here by the time the train arrived to take me home at the end of my trip. As much as I loved London, and as much as the city was the only sensible place for a freelancer to make a living, I knew that I had to be in Cumbria. That was 2004. I haven’t looked back. It’s not always the easiest place to make a living as a commercial photographer, but at the end of the day, it’s making the pictures that counts.
My landscape photography has led to some interesting commercial work, shooting outdoor pursuits, working for the outdoor apparel business and more recently shooting location fashion for The Fibre Company. My very first job was as an assistant to a fashion photographer. Returning to my roots in fashion photography feels like quite a neat way to close the circle. I’d like to be able to say I planned it that way right from the beginning, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. There was never a plan. It’s only ever been about making pictures!”

So, we want to know…. are you ready to return to the Fells? If you are, why not sign up to our newsletter to get all the details, first?
Save the date- 1.8.2017