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The Fibre Co.

This code of conduct governs the behavior of The Fibre Co. team and those with whom it collaborates in their physical and digital workspaces, at fibre arts events and on social media. The Fibre Co. team and community is made up of employees and freelance professionals. This includes but is not limited to consultants, independent designers, technical editors, sample knitters and sales reps.

We are committed to providing a safe space for people of all races, religions, nationalities, gender identities and expressions, physical abilities, ages and body sizes. Discrimination and harassment of people based on any of these criteria by The Fibre Co. team and collaborators will not be tolerated. In addition, we do not accept behavior or language that is exclusionary, such as that which is hateful, violent, biased (even if unconscious) and dismissive of another’s expressed emotions.

We are committed to improving our approach to providing an inclusive community. When we or one of our collaborators make a mistake, we will own it, thank those responsible for bringing it to our attention, apologize and move forward with a renewed commitment to actions that demonstrate our intent to do better.

Every code of conduct violation report will be treated with seriousness and care. We reserve the right to take any action that we deem appropriate if someone in our community behaves in ways contrary to this code of conduct.

An example of such action might be to withdraw support for a collaborative project previously agreed. Another example would be to remove comments on social media that are offensive. We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting those affected by any violation of this code.

We encourage you to report any unacceptable behavior to us and welcome any comments and suggestions about this code of conduct. Please get in touch via All reports and suggestions will be reviewed and actioned by The Fibre Co. team.

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