Fibre journal
all things fibre
Great stories happen to those who knit them!
Welcome to our blog, where we celebrate the beauty of natural fibre yarns. Here, you'll find inspiring interviews with designers, expert tips and techniques, and in-depth explorations of different fibres and their unique qualities. Join us on a journey of creativity and craftsmanship and create your own great yarn stories!

How to Mend Holes in Your Handknits
Our mission at The Fibre Co. is to provide you with yarn for projects you are proud of. Once you’ve made those projects, we want to teach you how to...

How to Cable Without a Cable Needle: A Video Tutorial
Let’s be honest: cable knitting looks amazing but using a cable needle can be a bit annoying. It slows you down, gets lost down the back of the couch and...

How to Alternate Skeins
Have you ever knitted a whole project only to realize that your fabric is color-blocking or pooling in unexpected ways? This is something that many makers have experienced and it...

How to Join a New Skein of Yarn Using a Spit Splice
Weaving in ends is a task that many makers dislike, however, it is often unavoidable when making something that requires multiple skeins of yarn. Whenever you join a new skein,...

How to Adjust a Knitting Pattern When you’re Between Sizes
Our in-house knitting patterns are designed to cover a wide range of sizes but what if you are between sizes? In this blog post, we will show you how simply...

How to Knit an Accurate Gauge Swatch
Swatching. The task that keeps us from casting on our knitting projects right away. But, whether you like it or not, swatching is essential – especially if you’re knitting a...

5 Tips for Improving Your Phone Photography
Today we’re sharing 5 tips for improving your phone photography that Kate O’Sullivan, our Brand Marketing Manager, uses all the time to create many of the images you see on...

The Fibre Co. Tutorial series
A few months ago, we launched our first videos for The Fibre Co. tutorial series, onto You Tube. At the beginning of this month we presented you with our latest...

Fibre Events- How to Make the Most of Them!
It’s officially fibre event season and it feels as if there’s a new must attend event almost each month. Today we’re sharing some of our favourite lessons from The Fibre...

5 Tips for Making the Most of Ravelry
We’ve always loved Ravelry – we appreciate the connections with knitters around the world and who wouldn’t love such a huge online library of designs and patterns from an amazing...

What is a Knit Along?
Guest blogger, Sally Seed When The Fibre Co.’s founder, Daphne, asked me to write about the Brenna KAL, I had to admit to total ignorance. What’s a KAL? And, even...